What To Know To Make The Best Of This New Life
To start off let's be clear how to live each day at rest. Some points to note: -
- Being at rest is just that. You by trying to live according to all that the scriptures teach is not resting. You are again trying by your own efforts to live the way you think you should.
- The Scriptures clearly states that we have the Life of Christ within us, this being true then all we need to do is to allow this life to flow out of us.
- As we go about our daily lives we focus on the nature of Christ. This focus develops as we read and contemplate on how Jesus lived and went about His day.
- The more we see the nature of Jesus in the scriptures and speak to ourselves that, "this is my new self", the more our actions become like His actions.
- What we read in the Scriptures is a framwork of how this process has it's outworking and is not a set of rules to follow. As we judge our actions it becomes clear if we are lining up to this New Charactor. When we take this attitude of allowing the Nature of Christ wthin us to show in our actions, anything else is easily let go because we are acknowledging that His way is best.
- When we see that our actions are outside of these parameters all we need to do is confess that we have mised it, ask forgiveness and ask the Holy Spirit to help and guide next time. It is the Holy Spirit's task to teach and assist us in walking as we should. This should happen as naturally a breathing.
These points are important because "Trying" to live the Christian life be very difficult if we are trying to do it in our own strength. Resting is trusting the Life of Christ is being allowed to shine because we choose by our will to have the Holy Spirit's guidance as we go about our daily lives.
One thing that is very imortant at this time is to know as you have make Jesus your Lord and Saviour is He says "I will never leave or forsake you". It matters not how bad things may seem to be as you continue your walk Jesus is there to help you. The things that may come up that you judge as something you should not be doing are appearing for you to judge them and let them go with the Holy Spirit help.
Once you judge them you are saying that they are not who you are now, that you have become a New Creation. In so doing you need to ask the Holy Spirit to warn you next time and not give that thought, feeling or impulse any life. As you do this you give them 'no life' so they will just fall away and not be a problem.
Our "judging" does need to to be a determined, proactive choice not just 'O Well I Missed It' type of reaction. Otherwise we are being 'light' with God's Grace.
As we continue through these Studies I will cover the following points: -
- How we are made into the Image of Christ - a very important study. Click HERE
- Why it is important to keep in contact with other Christians. Click HERE
- How to live each day to the full. Click HERE
- I have this New Life - How do I share it? Click HERE
- Understanding your role in Life and How to achieve it. Click HERE
- Moving forward - What about the future. Click HERE
- Resting in all that you do. Click HERE
You may be tempted to race through the studies and that is OK if you are eager to learn more. May also offer this instruction. Come back and read each study carefully and thoughtfully. These are real building blocks to help you become strong in your conviction of this new faith you have.
Lets make a start HERE: -