Moving Forward

What About The Future?

Having a Destiny is the same a having a Life Purpose.

Your Destiny is in your future.

Your Future has no Sin or contamination in it because you have not been there to muck it up.

As you allow the Holy Spirit guide you to look into your Future you draw back in to the Now what you are about enter into. This is not some spooky thing but a reality that assists us to negotiate the traps that will come to take us off course.

God Our Father holds our Destiny for us and as we allow the Holy Spirit to open these truths to us we are able to move freely into what God has planned for us.

I don't want you to too concerned about all this. I have placed this here to let you know what is up ahead so you will just move into it as a hand goes into a glove.

I can not write here just how you will work out your Future but I want to leave you with some guidance on how you can find this for yourself.

Something that is important though. As I stated eariler have close Christian friends, ones that are grounded in the Word of God are the best safegards to keeping on course.

There is wisdom in a number of 'good' councilors.

Get up and get going in to your great Future. God's Blessing be on you as you do.

Resting In All That You Do

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