I Have This New Life

How Do I Share It?

You are salt for the Land (the Earth). Matt 5:13a. (CJB)*

You are light for the world. Matt 5:14a. (CJB)*

Jesus used these words when speaking to the crowds on the mountain in His well known "Sermon the Mount". What he spoke to those people can also be applied to Christians today.

Lets unpack this some more.

What is it that 'Salt' and 'Light' have in common?

Neither impose their qualities on anyone. They both draw a person to what they are showing.

Paul the Apostle explains in Cor 4:7, (CJB)* in this manner. "But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it will be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us."

The Life of Christ is 'hidden' (in clay jars), but the effect that it has in the Christian is to draw others to that Life.

So, what am I trying to say. The Christian is to live out of the Life that is within them not trying show others how to live their lives. In you displaying your Life in this way you are showing there is a better way to live.

When people around you see that you are not phased by the problems that often occur around you, your not reacting out of fear, hate, or anger. You have a control that they are amazed at that you are able to share what it is that gives you that control.

Don't be concerned what you will answer the people that will come and ask how you are like this. Just allow the Holy Spirit who is always with you to supply what you will say.

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(CJB)* The Complete Jewish Bible" used with permission.