Understanding Your Role In Life

How Do You Achieve It?

Beginning to know what it is that you have been 'call to' can be rather confussing at first.

Christians will sometimes talk about 'their calling' and expect others to know what this is all about.

There is no great mystery about this. Every person on the Earth has been assigned a particlar purpose to fulfill that is given by God Our Father. This purpose can only be properly arrived at when a person has the Life of Christ in them and they act to reach that purpose.

In simple terms this can be stated that you have something that you are passionate about, something that you really want achieve.

One does need to be careful that this passion falls in line with the principles of God but often the thing that excites us is from God.

You may need to have some training and develop skills to reach this purpose but this will most often just happen as you accept the pursuit.

Here again it must be stated that you must be at 'rest' in your pursuit else you will most likely get off on the wrong path.

Being 'at rest', is a key poistion to be in at all times. Self effort comes from the Soul and most often is our Adversary trying to get us off target.

The purpose you are to achieve may take you all your life to reach. This can be because there is a lot of baggage that we have in our lives which, needs to be off loaded. Having paitence is the most important part of fulfilling you God Given Purpose.

Don't let anything stated above fighten you off reaching out to achieve your purpose. This life is ment to be exciting and a great adventure. Live it to the full.

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