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My Statement




The Torah

The Law: How It Applies

Understanding how the Law applies to the Christian today is very important. There is a lot of discussion as to what part, or how much of the Law applies to how to live a full Christian life.

Many will say that the civil part of the Law has been done away with, but we must follow The Ten Commandments. Others will say we don't live under Law but we live by Grace.

I say that unless you live under the whole of The Law you will not enter The Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus states that "Matthew 5:18 (CJB) '18: Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened.'

It has been stated that there are different periods of time that have had different obligations on Man. The time before Moses, The time of The Law, under Moses. and The Church Period of Grace, which we live in now.

I certainly agree with this setting out of time periods. As I read through the Scriptures from Genesis on through the New Testament that there were 'Laws' that were expected to be followed by those that trusted in Yahweh before Moses gave The Ten Commandments. Just reading the book of Job clearly gives one this understanding.

So, how does one follow the True Teaching of the Scriptures with all this supposed confusion?

I will try to give you what I see is a good way of making sense of all that has been put forward.

In a series of posts that begin by clicking the link below, you will follow through what I belive is an answer.

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The Complete Jewish Bible

The Torah - The Law: How It Applies

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