An Important Concept To Grasp
The World Book Dictionary describes it this way: - n. the action or process of transpiring. So, transpiring or to transpire is - v, to take place; happen; occur. - To put it another way, it is a process of happenings that results in something being transported from one place to another. See the second part of the description; especially moisture in the form of vapor through membrane or surface, as from a human body or from leaves or other parts of plants.
So why Transpiration?
There are three main elements that are part of our obedience. Two of these three elements Jesus used on the night of the Last Supper the other can be seen when the disciples went out in groups of twos healing the sick and also in James' epistle. The three elements are the oil, the wheat, and the vine. In a detailed search of the scriptures you will find that these three elements occur regularly together.
Again, what is the significance? In the Lord's Supper we have the Bread (from wheat) and the Wine (from the vine). We have been commanded to anoint the sick with oil as part of the acting in faith.
When you think about it, faith is involved with all of these sacraments. When you look deeper into the process of how 'our faith' is involved you will see the Principle of Transpiration. Let me explain. The very act of eating a piece of bread, drinking some grape juice, applying some oil in themselves has no real power or ability to produce anything other than eating, drinking, or dabbing on oil.
As we act on the Word that has been spoken from Jesus, believing that as we act in faith then He is able to give us the Treasures of Heaven. This act of faith is the Process of Transpiration. In this process we receive the Spiritual Promises by Faith which also translate into physical benefits.
We are able to receive through this process all that God our Father wants to give us and prevent Satan stealing them from us. This is because we did not go in our own strength and try to use our 'free will' to get them. When we go about in our strength trying to fulfill the teachings of Jesus even acting our 'free will' we are sinning. Remember Adam, he tried to fix the problem himself and thereby brought us all under Sin. We gain all the Promises of God by acting on His Word and fulfilling His Will for us by believing that He exists and is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
Let me put it another way. When we do something that may seem stupid to the mind, but we know that we are being obedient to His Word which is pleasing God, He has the right to act on our behalf. This is the underlying action that portrays the Principle of Transpiration. Because when we act in this manner, we are not trying to perform the action ourselves - 'The Will of Man". But acting in Faith, Believing we give Our Father the right to act on our behalf through Jesus. The Life we have through Christ is activated when we believe what He says about us, we are Heirs of Christ and having His Nature, then what happens is it's not our doing but His.
In fact, it is our faith that allows us to see these Promises. Faith is really the window we see the promises of God. It depends on the size of our window on how much of the Promises of God we are able to take hold of.
Yes, Faith is the Substance of things Hoped for, but it's our hope in seeing the God's Promises that we are able to receive - our faith.
When we see that it is by Faith, we receive the Promises of God and by being obedient to His Word which, is His Son, then we are at rest. When our action is not trying to bring these things in our own strength but we trust the Promises that we have already living in us. This is what materializes His Character to be seen by those around us. When you use your faith in this manner you will understand that the Principle of Transpiration and the Principle of Faith are one and the same.
Yours Respectfully,