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My Statement




How Can I Know God's Will For Me?

Why Do I Not Get Answers?

I'm feeling sick, I'm feeling depressed, I feel something is not right, My circumstance just seems too difficult, I really don't know what to do? How many times we feel like one of these situations, we pray and we don't get an answer? At least the answer we think we should get.

This has been my plight many times over the years as I have been following what I believe to God's plan for my life. I need to lay a foundation to what I am about to explain so please just let go of your own personal view-point and follow what I am saying.

I know my Salvation is secure because I have accepted as a fact that Jesus's Death and Resurrection was for me and that my old self (the spirit for Adam) has been removed and the Spirit of Christ has taken over. Therefore, even when I fail in doing what is God's purpose for me, example; that act that has come out of the habit patterns of my Old self, I should not be discouraged. My response to these times is to remember that I am a New Creature in Christ, focus on His Nature, knowing that His Nature is my real-self and thank Him for my Right Standing with My Father and go on my way rejoicing in this fact.

The trouble is even though I know this, sometimes, I just don't feel that it has worked. That somehow my behaviour has stopped God from applying His Love and I am to suffer the consequences for my bad behaviour. Do you sometimes feel this same way?

It has been through these times of struggle that I have sought an answer because I know that having the right attitude to God my Father is important. My "Sinning" does have a consequence but I can use the power of the New Life within me to seek a 'crop failure'. I know that something other than His Love for me is not the correct answer. This has been a long process for me as I will explain later as I unfold what I have learnt.

Before I do I want to explore this situation further. There are often many times that we find that there is no answer to the difficulties that we face every day. We can be told by our 'friends' that we don't have the 'faith' to get the answer we are asking for. We can often doubt our faith. We ask, "How can this be so when I am told that God Loves me?"

If you have never asked God for forgiveness and received the Gift of Salvation then life can feel useless and cruel as you struggle just to cope. If you don't have the New Life that Jesus gives these times can be very difficult.

If you are really wanting to have a changed life and have the ability to rise over all the issues life throws at you. Have the hope that you desire, I suggest you go back the articles you will find on the Home Page Here and follow the series of articles I have set out there.

I have found the answer to the dilemma I have posed above because I know that my God, My Father, only has good things for me. It has been because of this hope that I have been able to push through the fog and see the light.

I want to take you on this journey with me as I unfold just what a wonderful (though often difficult) time it has been. My intention is not to load you with the burdensome moment by moment happenings but to offer you the steps to release you into a hope that lasts and brings you joy.

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The Complete Jewish Bible

The Torah - The Law: How It Applies

How Can I Know God's Will For Me?

God's Love Is True

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