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Published by PaulT on Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Vision

Editor: [I have chosen to use the Complete Jewish Bible for the text that is referred to on this site because I feel it gives a clear understanding of the Scriptural text.]

Sometime towards the end of 1978, I became extremely aware of the Great End-Time Harvest. What was troubling me was how to look after the vast numbers of New Converts that would be gathered in that Day. I felt the deep longing of the Father’s Heart as he wanted to sweep many thousands into His Family.

The thing that concerned me the most was how to counsel the many New Converts without losing them because of the volume. I was aware from my contact with many churches over the years that I had not witnessed any programs that I thought could handle the volume.

This was the “burden” that I felt The Lord was placing on me and challenged me to look for an answer. I barely understood The Vision at that time, but I have been gaining in insight as time went by. Over the years I began to understand what I was being asked to do. These Websites that have evolved over the years are tools to make achieving my goal possible.

The centre of this plan is to train staff on the core values of this challenge so that they are able to best support the New Converts. This is to help the New Covert grow strong so that as they grow they are able to support any of their friends who become a New Convert. This strategy to use the New Convert as a support counsellor to another New Convert strengthens both Converts and thereby expands the support for future converts.

The Church in Acts 2 seeing the 2,000 strong conversions at the Day of Pentecost must have been able to solve this problem because their growth is seen in the following chapters. Churches today would love to that level of success, but my question is would any church be able to handle that amount of converts in one day let alone this happening every day.

I felt that personally, most churches would have their time cut out for them and be quite stressed trying to cope with only a tenth of that amount. I remember when Billy Graham came to Australia and the many thousands that came forward to be saved. Where are they now? Many if not most feel away because the churches involved were not able to continue the discipleship.

This was the thing that perplexed me the most as I pondered on how to fulfill what was on my Father’s Heart. The burdon that the Lord placed on my heart was only just a small part of what I sensed was on His Heart. The load was so intense that it almost crushed me. The Lord lifted the presure just enough to let keep me pressing to find the answer.

The answer was so amazingly simple, yet it has taken me some time to fully appreciate it. To present the Gospel message in simple terms that a new convert could share this message to their friends and relatives. So, they also might become part of The Kingdom of God. A most important part of this was to create such a full-on support system to equip new converts to be so confident to share their story.

To carry this out it will be necessary to draw on many modern forms of technology to make this task possible. This website is part of the strategy.

If you find yourself drawn by what you have read here, then I hope you also will be motivated to dig deeper into what is presented is the website.

It is my hope that you will see something that excites you enough to explore all of the posts presented in this site and that you made yourself known to the administration team.

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