Who's Will, Will Win

Published by PaulT on Sunday, February 12, 2023

Whose Will, will Win

Here is the Scene

We must state here at the beginning that the central point that all this pivots on is the Free Will of Man. We see this very clearly in God's direction to Adam about choosing not to eat of the Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. You see the most important and most powerful thing on the Earth today is Man's, Free Will.

It was this 'Free Will' that Satan wanted to trap and bring Adam under his control. While ever Adam or anyone from that time on uses their will to decide how they will govern their life Satan has access to that decision to bring about 'Not Good' things. You may wonder how this affects yourself. Well, we can make quite good decisions based on the great amount of knowledge we have at hand. But how many times have you made a decision that went so wrong and you really didn't want to do it in the first place but you did it anyway?

Here we see the dilemma. If we had all knowledge, then we would not make these mistakes. The problem is we will never be able to 'have all knowledge' because that would make us equal to God. And yes, the God of Heaven wants us to become like Him but not by our own efforts. To have all knowledge to make the perfect decision would be such a burden it would crush us. If you have seen the movie Bruce Almighty, then you will understand, if not go check it out. It is a real eye-opener.

So let's get back to The Garden of Eden. Now God had made this beautiful garden that was full of all sorts of fruiting trees that were for eating. Of course, there were the two trees that we mentioned earlier, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and The Tree of Life. God had given Adam the role of looking after all of the Garden of Eden, to tend and nurture all of the trees. It must be noted at this time Adam and Eve did not have the knowledge of good and evil. This meant that for Adam to make a valued decision he needed to ask God to help and guide his decision. This was the test for Adam. Would he desire to be able to make these decisions for himself or trust that God had everything ready for him and he just needed to ask for it?

Now God would often come into The Garden in the cool of the evening and talk with Adam, most likely about what Adam had been doing that day. One of these times God called all the animals together and asked Adam to name each one. So, it was a common thing for God to come into The Garden and talk with Adam. So on that certain day when God came calling Adam, it should not have been a surprise or out of the ordinary that God was calling out for him, but it was.

You see earlier that day Adam and Eve were together in The Garden when one of the snakes or serpents sat up and started talking to Eve. Now, this would not have been of any surprise to them because Man had a close connection to all the animals. The thing was though that serpent had allowed Satan through it to gain access to The Garden and to approach Adam and Eve. The serpent (Satan) began a conversation with Eve and questioned her about how they were to behave in The Garden. In particular about The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. As the conversation continued, he (Satan) began to put doubts into her mind about what God had told them in regards to The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil. And she ate of the fruit of that tree and gave some to husband, Adam who was standing beside her.

There is a mystery as to why Adam did not see right through what was going on, but he just followed Eve's leading. He had the authority to command Satan to get out of The Garden and to never come back. But he didn't. Why? There is a thought that he was so taken up by Eve's beauty that it clouded his mind. By the time Eve had eaten the fruit he took it too knowing that Eve would die and he was not going leave her alone, so he ate only to die with her.

Was there another alternative? Well, Adam knew that when he needed to make major decisions, he also needed the help of God. You see when God brought judgement down onto them, He made Adam accountable for his action not Eve for her action. What if instead of taking the fruit himself, he went to God and explained the situation. He asked what could be done to fix his mistake of not stepping in before Eve had taken of that fruit. Knowing that God is a God of Mercy and Grace there may have been another way to fix the mess.

We may never know but we now find ourselves bound to Adam's rebellion. So, Mankind from that time on having lost that inward connection to God now had to look to his surroundings and circumstances to make his decisions. Mankind now uses his will to plan what he will do and how he will live. God did not want to just leave Mankind to wallow on his own, so he made a covenant with him. Whenever a man wanted to approach God and seek guidance the blood of an innocent animal offered on an altar would give access in a limited way.

So where does this leave us now? Man is still separated from God and because of that, the perfect guidance that Man had, in the beginning, is not available. Therefore he has to make the best decision using only his ability to discern the facts.

It doesn't matter who you are if you make any decision by your own efforts, you are sinning and not living up to the "Glory" you could have which, is still available. This availability can only come through a personal relationship with Jesus - The Time Traveller.

Now you might say, "I don't need Jesus", and that is your free choice. Although for just one minute think about those deep, dark moments when you wished you hadn't done a certain thing. You knew that you had a choice and you really didn't want to act that way but you just did it anyway.

These are the times that later you wished you could go back and change the way you acted but it has happened, and you are suffering the consequences now. Every day we make stupid decisions that we wish later that if we could make a different decision. This is where The Time Traveller can come in and make it as though these things never happened. Your Past can never be erased but that Past can be altered to be of no effect in the Present.

If you remember earlier, I talked about why we can't help ourselves when we make these 'silly' mistakes. It is because we inherently want to handle the affairs of life on our own and hope it works out. You might remember that because of Adam we are trapped in the mode of "fix it myself" and even if we try to be the best we can it is often not enough.

The gift of having 'Our Past' dealt with so as not to affect us adversely can only come through a personal relationship with The Time Traveller. Jesus has stepped back in time and paid, cancelled the Sin of Rebellion that Adam committed causing us all to fall under this behaviour of "looking after one's self".

No matter what you do you will never be able to change those things of your Past that haunt you in those dark moments of despair. You can try to fill your life with all sorts of things, but those dark moments will always be there. Jesus is the only one that can step in between you and your Past and give you relief from those troubling thoughts.

You can be free, but you can't do it by yourself.

If you are serious about wanting to change then click the link below and follow along with the answer.

Yours Respectfully,


The Answer
