The Statement
Published by PaulT on Sunday, February 12, 2023
My Statement
Where I Stand On To Matter
You may have come here because of curiosity or some other reason but I thank you for taking time to do this. Yes I may be rustling some feathers here but I ask that you keep your judgments until I am able to share why I have taken this way of presenting my message.
You may have noted that I have been working on this project for many years now. Much of the time has been taken in checking what I was going to present here had a sound bibical backing. I have spent many hours just checking and rechecking my thoughts to make sure I had the Mind of Christ on this matter.
My conviction to try to reach many people as is possible that may not enter a church or have to chance of hearing the Gospel has been my central driving force. Along with this was that the Message the Church has been presenting does not sit well with those without so a different approach was needed.
Let me try to sumarise the points that I have taken in this presentation: -
My first concern was to illistrate what I felt was a confusing conscept that may turn people away. If God is so Loving how can He allow so much hurt and unjustice we see in the world today? Put another way, 'How can a Holy God come into close fellowship with His lost creatures and still kept His Integrity? The teaching I had from studies in a number of churches didn't come up with a helpful explaination.
I came to realise that the passing of Sin to the next generation was not through the blood as many do preach. If the blood is the medium then how can a child be 'saved' before they have a chance to understand for themselves that they need to 'receive' Jesus as their Saviour?
I saw that the most central thought that comes from the Scriptures is the "Free Will" of Man. It is the most significant aspect of the Gospel. In fact it is in this respect of having a Free Will that makes us like God, as it states in Genesis "Let Us make man in Our Own Image". How this theme makes all of Scripture hang together is amazing.
Also how we asign the tasks of our own make up, Body, Soul, and Spirit had me so puzzled it took a long time to work through that one. If we are a spirit and the will of man has a role in our head, where we make decisions, how does this link up with us being a spirit? These are some of the ideas that I have set out in a series of postings that you can follow below.
If anything of what I shared above and beyond sturs you to known more then there is a link below that will take to the arguments I present to validate my approach and beliefs expressed here.
I look forward to sharing with you just why and where I have come from and explain my whole mission.