The Answer
Published by PaulT on Sunday, February 12, 2023
The Answer
The Decision Is Yours’s
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could go back and do it differently, I would make a better choice now?”. The thing is with all the insight you gained you will not have all of the information that will make the “best” decision. This is because being human we are limited in the knowledge we have.
What if you could make the “best” decision without having to make all that effort? It is possible but you will need to give up trying to do it yourself. Here is where The Time Traveller comes in. Because He ‘sees’ all things and has all knowledge He can assist you to make the “right” decision.
Remember we talked about man’s Free Will? When you make any decision using your Free Will, your understanding, you are not acting as God intended. We are designed to make a Free Choice but rely on God to supply the answer. There is only one problem with this.
Because of Adam’s Sin, choosing to make that decision for himself, he was separated from God and so he had to make his way based on his own choices. This is the life that we have inherited from him, so we are not able to make that internal decision on our own. There has to be a change.
The result of Adam’s Sin, death entered the earth, and all mankind will die at some point in time. Without God’s intervention, that means the one dying is separated from God eternally. That means that person will spend eternity in Hell, a place of punishment of pain and great suffering.
Hell was created for the devil and his angels, not for Mankind. I hear you say, “That’s not fair”? I would agree with you on that. There is an answer, God has made a way which, is simple but is hard in another way.
It all comes back to what we started talking about earlier. Your Free Will. If you realise that you have made choices that you didn’t want to make but couldn’t help yourself. Also, if you realise that God can help, there is a way. You see this is where The Time Traveller, Jesus can help. Man’s penalty for Sin is death. So, when someone dies their penalty is paid for. Since they did not seek God’s intervention, they will spend eternity in Hell.
This was not something that pleased God. He had to make a way for Man to escape from this ‘death’. Stepping into the scene we see The Time Traveller, Jesus. Jesus lived His Life always doing the Will of The Father. So, when He came to the time that all things were ‘fulfilled’ He allowed himself to take to the Cross and was Crucified. He bore in His Body the pain and suffering, the consequences of Sin, and by His Death was able to pay the penalty of Adam’s Sin.
Now here is the most beautiful part. Because He was Sinless, He was able to cancel Adam’s Rebellion, Sin. Now, as far as God is concerned Sin is dealt with but we as human beings still sin because of our choosing to “fix it ourselves’. This is where you need to look into yourself. Are you tired of making mistakes (sin), that you really can't help yourself in what you are doing and want to change?
You see all the people that lived before Jesus’ Death had this same problem so how can they benefit from Jesus’ Death on the Cross? Jesus being The Time Traveller went back in time to pay Adam’s Sin, so it was no longer a problem to God. This meant if anyone that wanted to please God and be counted among the “Redeemed” all they needed was to set their heart to be obedient to God’s Word. They still did things from their ‘our free will’, but because they were placing their hope in God’s Answer -- God’s Grace made a place for them in the Final Solution to Sin.
Before Jesus’ Death, mankind did not have the inner strength to resist Sin because the life, they were depending on what came from Adam. A corrupt life. But after the Death of Jesus, He was able to cancel the life of Adam in a person and give them His Life. Those living before Christ's Death, although they had died, they were now by the Power of God able to receive this New Life. This New Life has it's fullness in the Resurection of the Dead when Jesus Christ comes again. Now having this Life, the Born-Again person has the Power Of God, the Spirit of Christ replacing Adam’s spirit to break the power of the old self habits.
Now you have The Answer.
The question now is will you receive The Answer? It is really quite simple. You need to realise that you have been “trying to make it on your own”, that you realise that this sin in the eyes of God. You need to make the decision that you want to change but you can’t do it yourself. Realising you can’t do it yourself, but you can receive the Free Gift of God, New Life of Christ, then it is just a matter of carrying out that decision.
Let’s turn the page and I can help you with...
That Decision.