Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Will of Man

How it Works

As I have stated earlier, Man was made in "the Image of God". So let's unpack this for a moment.

Man was given Dominion over all the Earth. That command from God was to look after and reproduce the Garden all over the earth. We also know that Adam did not posess the Knowledge of Good and Evil so what ever he did would be Good just like the Garden was Good since God had declared that all He made was Good.

Given this Adam had to partner this Dominion with God's help because of Adam's lack of deciding what was Good as God deemed was Good.

We find this happening when God comes to Adam and tell him to name all of the animals. What ever he named an animal that was its name, but what is not so evident is that God was there to help in the process.

So, here we see the process of how The Will of Man was to be exercised. But here was the problem when Man, Adam gave into the Satan's lie. Now because of his rebelion, sinning, Adam had to make all his decisions from his own knowledge, that gained from eating of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Also because of his disobedence when ever he made a decision he gave Satan access to that decision because Adam had alined his will decision with Satan. Adam in making the decision to obey Satan's lie came under the authority of Satan hence Satan gained control in the Earth. The Earth still belonged to God but now Satan could have access to do things through man's willingness to give him (Satan) that access.

Now God needs a way for Man to come to Him because God also needs Man's Will to have access to the Earth just as He had before Adam's Fall. So God takes two animals and kills them to cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. This act teaches Adam that to come back to be in touch with God a death of an innocent animal has to occur the cover the Sin that has separated Man from God.

This set the pattern that Man had to take until the Ultimate Sinless Man could make a perminate payment for Adam's rebellion. When Jesus died on the Cross the Perfect Way back to God was established. Our acceptance of that, that the sacrifice was done personally for us, then God is able to remove our Adamic Nature and give us the Spirit of Christ.

I hope this has given you an understanding of the Power and also the limitation of Man's Will. This understanding is so important to comprehend so that we who have recieved the Spirit of Christ can be at peace. Just knowing how we move with confidence into that which God our Father has planned for us procuces hope.

This brings us to the place how we deal with the bad decisions we have made over the years that is getting in the way of us fulfilling our Destiny. We will look at this in the next Post, Undoing The Bad.


Undoing The Bad
