Sunday, February 12, 2023

Welcome - The Time Travellers

This is Important

What You Need To Know About This Site

As you move through this site it will become clear that at the centre of all the thoughts and statements is this factor. That Man's free will is the most sacred and all-important aspect of human existence. When you understand why this is then you will be able to see the main purpose of what this site aims to achieve.

A second theme that you will find is the importance of how Mankind is made in the Image of God, Gen 1:27. There is such a lot of differing understandings about this point. It is of real importance that we settle on solid foundational concept before we travel much farther into this study..

These two themes along with a third theme make the core of whole Gospel message that is platted through the pages of the books of the Bible. A threefold cord is not quickly broken, Eccl 4:12b.

The third theme is how a Loving Holy God can come and dwell within a sin laden body that we all have to deal with every day? This is the mystery that Paul the Apostle talks about in his letters to the early Church. Namely, "Christ in you the Hope of Glory". This apart from the first two is a full study on its own, but I will try to sum up the conclusion that I have come to after many years of meditating on these themes.

This will be difficult because Paul takes 8 chapters in the book of Romans to try to make this clear. From my own observation of many sermons and discussions regarding these chapters there are numerous and various explanations of these chapters. This gives some indication as to complexity that this teaching presents to anyone trying to find the right application from these passages.

There is a fourth concept that wraps around these three themes which neatly cocoons them all into a single cord. This is the equable justice that God the Father applies to all of mankind down through the ages and into the ages to come. The access into His Kingdom has to be the same for every person that is born of a woman which, makes this an all-encompassing theme.

Here is my conclusion. The reasoning behind this conclusion will be presented later, further along the journey. I will put these into point form for clarity sake and simplicity.

  1. Man, one individual, is made up of three main parts: Spirit, Soul and Body. To say this is how man is 'made' in the image of God is too simplistic and does not align with scripture. [I will not try to explain my understanding of how man is 'made' in the image of God. That will have to be taken up much further down the track.] Bear with me as I expound what I have come to believe. Man is a Soul, that lives in a Body, which is given life through the Spirit. I have not found anywhere in the scriptures that states Man is a spirit. The simple fact that the will of a man is understood usually to be located in the Soul shows the 'free will' has to be in the same place of the person making that decision. Now you note that we have already intertwined two of the themes into another important concept.
  2. There is another thread that almost as it were, wraps around the fourth concept; this is "what is God's most sought-after response from a man?" The answer has to be the same from every part of the scriptures. If we look down through the passage of time till now, we see there is a common response to an ever evolving and changing set of circumstances. Adam has no less or greater advantage of entering the "Kingdom" as anyone alive today. In simple terms it is conveyed in this statement; man is rewarded in the measure that he responds in faith to Promises of God and wholeheartedly endeavours to be obedient in all that he understands.
  3. Trying to bring all these concepts into a simple statement will difficult, but I will try.

  4. Man, as a Soul makes a 'Free Will' decision about what 'he' will do in his body. In making that decision he draws on the life the Spirit that is within that body to energize it and 'He' acts out that thought. When a person makes a decision to do something from their own strength and understanding, they are missing the 'mark', God's Mark. Using of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, to guide and direct them in that part of their life they are Missing the 'Mark'. Sinning is really us trying to live our lives as best as we can based on what we know.

So, this is where God steps in and partakes of Mankind. He shows through His Son just how a man who is totally governed being guided by God's Spirit in every will decision that He made and did not sin. Not only that He also went one big step further by cancelling the Original Sin through His death and bearing all the penalty of Sin in His Body.

Now the Principle of Transpiration comes in play through believing the Good News Message from God. That in His Love for Mankind He has cancelled the power of Sin and if anyone believes this fact then through the power of the Holy Spirit he is made "New". That is the Holy Spirit comes and replaces the Adamic spirit, which always fails and replaces it with the Spirit of Christ.

Now I have barely scratched the surface in trying to summarize some of the basic truths that we hold regarding our faith. Greater explanation will be found later as this journey continues. For now, if you can just hold what I have presented here as a lamp to show how this journey will unfold and it will become clearer as we move though this study.
