Sunday, February 12, 2023
Undoing The Bad
How Does Sin Pass to the New Born Child?
It is important to lay another Foundational Truth. Just how does Sin pass to the new born child?
I have looked into the teaching that the Rebellion - Sin, is in the blood and is passed on from the father to the child from Adam. I have come to the understanding that this is not Scriptural.
I will explain my reasoning below, but simply to say that to pay for our sin His Blood had to be Sinless therefore could not have come from Joesph does not hold true according the full teaching of scripture.
Yes, Jesus' Blood was Sinless but this was not because He was born of a virgin. His Birth has a mystery that I will unpack elsewhere suffient to say was God the Father assisted by the Holy Spirit that brought about His Birth.
Jesus said in Luke 18:17 (CJB) "Yes! I tell you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it at all!”. On The other hand King David said in Psalm 51:5 (CJB) "True, I was born guilty, was a sinner from the moment my mother conceived me."
Now David was expressing that he realized that rebellion was within him from birth, but to say the sin nature was passed on to him from his parents does not line up with what Jesus said. So, something else is going on here.
Let's take another look. If we aknowledge that God our Father is Almighty and full of Mercy, that it goes against His Nature to commit a child to an eternity in Hell. This is because if the child dies before they a chance to make their own decision. That is, to accept God's Forgiviness that is available through Jesus's Death and Resurection. An eternity in Hell is the only alternative.
If Sin is in the blood then a still born child has no chance of recieving eternal Life. The ability to choose freely the Gift of Eternal Life has to be equally fair to all of mankind. So, for Sin to be in a child's blood does not fit into this narritive.
How does Sin enter into a person which leads that person to become a sinner?
I need you to follow this closely because this is the most important part of the puzzle. You will remember from the story in Garden, that Man used his will to accept Satan's deception. By gaining the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Man had to make his choices based in this knowledge. He used his will make this choice. So, it is the will of Man that causes Sin.
This perpenitive to "Do it MYself", is what is passed down through the Soul that our parants give us. It is when we make that decision ourselves, to decide for our self, that make a way for sin to enter.
I will unpack this more in the next post, please follow...
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