Sunday, February 12, 2023

God’s Love Is True

How can a God of Love allow all the evil in this world?

To some, this is a difficult question to answer because many Christians have not been exposed to the complete Nature of God. This is not to say that they are ignorant of God's Love just that they have not had all teaching explains the Truth to the full.

God's Love is clearly shown in that He was prepared to send His Son to step in front of the Wrath for Sin. Man, who could not pay the price for the Penalty of Sin was left dying for his sin because that was the penalty that had to be paid. Jesus stepped in to a human body to show that it is possible for a man to live a life without Sin. That it not be a dominating factor in their life. In fact that a man can live a Sin free life.

Jesus' conception and birth was conducted in a Holy way so that the Fallen Nature of Man which we receive from Adam was not in Him. Without that Sin Nature Jesus made a willing choice to only do what He saw His Father do. Here is why His' Death could be equated with us who believe that he did this for us.

Herein is the crux of the matter. God who acting as a Father wanted willing children to become part of His Family. So, this willingness is at the centre of what God is doing on the earth today. Of course, Adam in the Garden of Eden messed things up so Jesus needed to come to make things right.

So how does this answer the question:- "Why is there all this evil when God is so Loving?" Think about all that has been said so far? Without Free Will, mankind cannot become part of God's Family because He is self-willed only to do good.

"Wait a minute I hear you say, that doesn't answer the question." Well, it does because having a free will Mankind can stay disobedient. It is the disobedience of Mankind that allows Satan to create so much pain and suffering.

So why doesn't God just get rid of those making all the suffering then things would be so much better? God is so patient hoping that those that are making a mess of His creation will turn around. That they will receive the forgiveness that He offers through Jesus, so He waits until all hope is lost.

The thing about Christians living amongst such troubling times is that these times adds strength to those that allow the Nature of Christ to shine through them. When we don't try to fix the problem ourselves but draw upon His Nature within, we become strong and show forth His Love that is dwelling in us.

This question of why suffering has a much deeper level of understanding which cannot be discussed here because of space and the need to answer it simply. It is hoped that the above explanation has helped satisfied the inquiring reader.
