What does it Mean to be Forgiven?

Why Do I Need To Be Forgiven?

To be forgiven you need to have done something wrong. Most people might say that they have not done anything that should need forgiveness for. Of course there are the little things where one might upset another person and you don't set it right. No one really takes that as an offense. But is that all that's to it?

Everyone feels that as long as they live a 'good' life trying to be nice to everyone that they should be considered "a christian". Unfortunately, that is not really the case. Do you remember the times when you are alone and there is something bothering at the back of your mind just making you feel unsettled? Ever felt that there was something missing in your life and just can't put your finger on it?

That feeling just may be the deep part of your sub-conscience trying to re-connect you with your Maker. Often times when one is feeling hungry it is not that we are physically hungry but are looking for a fulfillment that can only be filled by a reconnection the Our Maker. This separation has come about by us taking the decision power regarding our lives and using our will the plan and make judgements on what to do. This is the Sin that we got from Adam.

Forgiveness happens when you recognize this fact, repent [which is just changing the way you think to God's way of thinking], and then you receive His Wonderful Gift. That Gift is having the Life of Jesus working inside you to do right. When you realize that you have not been making the best decisions for yourself and you ask Him to come and make the perfect decisions for you then the peace and joy of that forgiveness will be yours.

There are two aspects of Forgiveness that each of us need to take hold of to experience full peace. The First explained above, when we receive the Life of Christ to replace the old life of Adam. The second is freedom from the results of our actions of being Sinners because of Adam. Unless we separated these two experiences then a complete sense of peace will not occur.

Let's unwrap this further.

When we are born to our parents we arrive with Life from Adam. At this point we have not acted on the ability to decide for our selves that ability we got from Adam, so we are considered sin free. Since Jesus has paid for the Sin which Adam committed (or in regard the children born before His death, will pay) then the child has not of their own choice rejected God and is covered by that payment. Once a child reaches the time that they are able to choose for themselves in how they will fend for themselves then they become responsible for their own decisions. From this point on they are living by their Own Will and making their decisions by their own understading. It is only when they make a decision to receive The Gift of Salvation that the life they recieved from Adam is replaced by the Life of Jesus Christ. This is the first aspect of Forgiveness.

The second aspect is when we choose to go our own way, sinning (missing God's Mark, not choosing to be guided by The Life of His Son). This is when there are consequences that result, such as in loss of peace, sickness, pain, and all the rest of the ugly side of life. So this aspect of life; lack of peace, sickness pain etc., will have an influence on us regardless of whether or not we have received the Life of Jesus Christ. When someone bases their daily life on God's Way of Thinking having received the 'The Gift', then these pressures can be releaved by forgiving oneself, knowing that God has already forgiven you and let the Life of Jesus live in you.

This walking in the Blessings of God free from all the affects of Adam's Fall can only be achieved by continually receiving His Love that He has for you, it has to be personal. To be able to experience this you need to stop trying to find the answer yourself. Know that all your steps are ordered by the Lord and live freely in simply doing what comes natural. This freedom is only challenged by the Holy Spirit's promptings to not go the way you used to because it does not reflect the character of Jesus.

When look into the Face of Jesus, and this is done by reading and remembering as much as we can of Jesus as we find in the Bible. Then we can discern what His promptings are and we act on them. Here is the most amazing thing. Even when we don't act according the character of Jesus He doesn't scold us, He just picks us up and carries us on, that's if we let Him. We should not come under condemnation and hide, we run to His Grace and that it is all covered in His death. His resurrection has given us New Life. We should certainly learn from the experience and seek His Thoughts next time we are in a similar position

Forgiveness is really letting God's Love and Grace encompass us and having the confidence to walk out life to the fullest knowing that Jesus is always with us to support us in every moment of the day.

How To Receive Forgiveness Coming Soon


Why I use TheComplete Jewish Bible

(CJB)* The Complete Jewish Bible" used with permission.




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What does it Mean to be Forgiven?

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