What Happens Now?
The world is in chaos, so much violence, so much injustice.
How is it that God is described as being loving and is not stopping the terrible things that are going on?
This is one of the most difficult aspects of a Loving God and many people often ask “Why”.
The simple answer is that we have to trust Our God and believe that he has everything under control. This a most disturbing aspect of God that I need to address first before continuing on to explain how Man is ‘made’ in the “Image of God”.
Continuing from an earlier post it was stated that The Free Will of Man is the most important and central aspect of the Gospel. Also we need to see the idea that true freedom can only work when there is something to be free to do or not do. In their perfect state Mankind was not able to choose right from wrong because they did not have the “Knowledge of Good and Evil”. There was only one ‘rule’, law that they were given.
What was that Law?
“Don’t eat of the tree in the middle of the Garden”. We know that this tree was the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” because in the day you eat of it you will die.
They needed the ‘Knowledge of Good and Evil’, but to make a free choice meant that they had to go against what God had told them.
This mission that they were given could not happen in “Heaven” because although there is free choice in “Heaven”, there is some coercion just by the very Presence of the Glory of God. There needed to be a place where Free Choice could happen entirely on its own.
There was no "Plan B", this was all part the Original Plan. Man's disobedience fitted into that Plan. Man had to have freedom of choice and without the Knowledge of Good and Evil he could not fulfil his part. [Let me explain this point here, it is difficult understand]
Let's move on the next part of the Plan.
Why Abraham was brought on the scene?