An Important Teaching
To come to a complete understanding of how Mankind is 'Made in The Image of God" we need to take a new look at what makes us human. This starts by revisiting when God made this statement. In Chapter: 1 of Genesis verse: 27, "So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them."
You will notice the last part of verse 27, "he created him: male and female he created them." When you see a ":" the next part of the sentance give more detail of what has gone before. Mankind is still one being, the separation does not take place until Chapter 2. God is One Being but Three separate entities. Mankind has three parts, Male, Female and a shared Reproduction part.
when you look at action that is taking place in creation, God is One but acting in three different ways. There is the Thought about what is to be created, the Word that describes the Thought and the bringing to being The Spirit hovering.
The Thought, Femine part, The Word, a Structured, Masculine part, and The Spirit, Reporductive part. This may be a challenging view but I have spent much time meditating of this process and it fits so well.
You may need to revisit this again to come a place where you can agree but this really does make the "One Flesh" that Paul the Apostle come to light in a clearer way.
It has helped me to feel better about 'Man made in the image of God', than any other explaination I have had offered.