Your New Start

How Do I Know I have Made A New Start?

The Scriptures Says... 'If any man is in Christ he is a New Creature"

What does this mean and how can I know it is true for me?

The following pages will guide you through all you need to know. They will explain the process and establish the basis of what you can be confident of, that you are this New Creation.

As a starting point let's be clear who the 'New Creation' person is. The New Creation defines a person who believes that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, Died on the Cross, was Buried, and Rose again to Life. That they made a public declaration that He is Lord over their life.

If you have come to this Web Page after saying the Prayer and filling in the form on the page 'Enter New Life' then I will say you have become a 'New Creation'.

May be you arrived here for the page 'My Statement' then then you may still be wondering what this is all about. If you want to know more then GO HERE and follow the pages to the end and then you might pray the prayer and arrive back here.


Let's begin at the basics.

Becoming a New Creation, Born Again, Being Saved, and becoming a Christian are all terms that have the same meaning.

In short when a person receives Christ as their Saviour any one of these terms can apply.

Just how does this experiance happen? The person acknowledges that that have Sinned {this just means missing God's Mark}, just doing what ever they can to fix their life.

The person realises that giving control over to Jesus Christ's guiding via the Holy Spirit is the only answer to their guilt, knowing there is a void inside. Accepting that Jesus Died for their sin, was Buried and Rose Again to New Life and that New Life can be theirs they become a New Creation.

Does this mean that the person's life is now free of problems and everthing is rosey?


It does mean that any problem or difficulty there is someone else that will help them gain victory over those problems and issues.

For the person that has just received Jesus as Lord and has been Born Again the journey has only just begun. It will take a litle time to really feel much of what this New Life is all about but know this you will only get stronger as you keep applying the principals that are found in the Scriptures.

Just make some time every day to do something that builds your faith as work through the study - link below - and you will find this is an exciting time of your life.

Make sure you bookmark this page so you can find it easily. Be Blessed... You are Blessed.

Start The Beginner's Study

Why I use TheComplete Jewish Bible

(CJB)* The Complete Jewish Bible" used with permission.




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