
The Letter from Yeshua's Emissary Sha’ul(Paul) to the Messianic Community in Rome

Chapter 5 - (CJB)*

A Study to Help New and Young Christians - Previous Study

Chapter 5:1-21 (CJB)

1. So, since we have come to be considered righteous by God because of our trust, let us continue to have shalom with God through our Lord, Yeshua the Messiah.

2. Also through him and on the ground of our trust, we have gained access to this grace in which we stand; so, let us boast about the hope of experiencing God’s glory.

3. But not only that, let us also boast in our troubles; because we know that trouble produces endurance,

4. endurance produces character, and character produces hope;

5. and this hope does not let us down, because God’s love for us has already been poured out in our hearts through the Ruach HaKodesh who has been given to us.





6. For while we were still helpless, at the right time, the Messiah died on behalf of ungodly people.

7. Now it is a rare event when someone gives up his life even for the sake of somebody righteous, although possibly for a truly good person one might have the courage to die.

8. But God demonstrates his own love for us in that the Messiah died on our behalf while we were still sinners.








9. Therefore, since we have now come to be considered righteous by means of his bloody sacrificial death, how much more will we be delivered through him from the anger of God’s judgment!

10. For if we were reconciled with God through his Son’s death when we were enemies, how much more will we be delivered by his life, now that we are reconciled!

11. And not only will we be delivered in the future, but we are boasting about God right now, because he has acted through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, through whom we have already received that reconciliation.







12. Here is how it works: it was through one individual that sin entered the world, and through sin, death; and in this way death passed through to the whole human race, inasmuch as everyone sinned.

13. Sin was indeed present in the world before Torah was given, but sin is not counted as such when there is no Torah.

14. Nevertheless death ruled from Adam until Moshe, even over those whose sinning was not exactly like Adam’s violation of a direct command. In this, Adam prefigured the one who was to come.

15. But the free gift is not like the offense. For if, because of one man’s offense, many died, then how much more has God’s grace, that is, the gracious gift of one man, Yeshua the Messiah, overflowed to many!

16. No, the free gift is not like what resulted from one man’s sinning; for from one sinner came judgment that brought condemnation; but the free gift came after many offenses and brought acquittal.

17. For if, because of the offense of one man, death ruled through that one man; how much more will those receiving the overflowing grace, that is, the gift of being considered righteous, rule in life through the one man Yeshua the Messiah!

18. In other words, just as it was through one offense that all people came under condemnation, so also it is through one righteous act that all people come to be considered righteous.

19. For just as through the disobedience of the one man, many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the other man, many will be made righteous.

20. And the Torah came into the picture so that the offense would proliferate; but where sin proliferated, grace proliferated even more.

21. All this happened so that just as sin ruled by means of death, so also grace might rule through causing people to be considered righteous, so that they might have eternal life, through Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord.

Study - Chapter 5

Ch 5: verses, 1-5,

Now Paul begins to lay out how we are to think about ourselves. We need to consider ourselves as 'Righteous' beacuse of our 'Trust' (Faith) that God has made it so through the work He did through Jesus the Messiah. Through this Trust we have peace 'shalom' with God and confidence to approach Him foe all that we need.

It is through that Trust that we are able to stand confident, because it is through His Grace which, He did through Christ. There is nothing that we did to make this happen so we can't be boastful. If we do boast it is about the Hope we have in experiancing the Glory of God.

There is more that we can boast about. We can boast about our Troubles. It is through our Troubles that produces Endurance. When we embrace Endurance it produces Character which goes on to produce Hope.

This Hope does not let us down. That's because God's Love has been poured into our hearts - our inner being - when we received the Ruach HaKodesh - the Holy Spirit - which God gave when we believed, Trusted in Christ to be our Saviour.


Ch 5: verses, 6-8,

When we think about what God has done for us and He did while we were away from Him, doing our own thing. We were 'helpless' in our sin but Jesus Died for us even when we had no thought for Him.

Paul continues on to say that no-one would consider dying for - in place of - a Righteous person although someone might consider dying for a really good person. But God... (see Verse 8 below)

God demonstrates His Love for us that while we were dead in our sins (away from God, doing our own thing) the "Messiah' (the 'Annointed One') died for us, paid the penalty for our sin, so we can come boldly into the presence of Our God.


Ch 5: verses, 9-11,

Please Note: - When you ever see a "therefore" in a verse you needed to see why it is 'there' 'for'! In other words what ever has been said before the 'therefore' the following is base on what has been said already.

Paul now wants to show us the value that the Death and Resurection of the Messiah means to us. Paul draws the difference between us now under Grace and before we received His Grace. We need to see that Grace was offered - available - to us when we were away from God so, now that we have received His Righteousness there no need to fear that He will not lavish His Love and Grace on us now.

Verse 10, "we were reconciled with God through his Son’s death when we were enemies, how much more will we be delivered by his life, now that we are reconciled!".

Not only in the future are we delivered but Paul says, 'Now we are', this is our boast about the greatness of Our God, because what he has acted through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, (Lord Jesus the Messiah) to reconcile us.


Ch 5: verses, 12-21,

The next Verses 12 to 21, explains how this reconciliation works. Paul is comparing two different states of being. One that of being 'In Christ' a person that has received right standing because of the 'Work of Christ', the other of being 'Under Sin' still living by their own self will.

Sin entered the world through on person, Adam. Because of Sin entering Death was passed on to every person born of Adam. Sin was around before there was a 'Torah' a written code of Law. Although Sin was there it could not be 'called' Sin because it was not defined.

Regardless of this death because of Sin 'ruled over all men, even though they did not sin in the same way Adam Sinned. In that all come under the power of Sin because of Adam, he could be compared like the One that was to come Jesus.

Verses 15 to 19, explains that 'the free gift' was greater than the Offence even though 'the free gift' came because of the 'Offence'. Sinning brough 'Judgement', 'the free gift' brough acquittal. So by the "disobedience of the one man, many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the other man, many will be made righteous."

Verses 20 to 21, Now the Torah, the Law, came to make Sin more sinful. So that there could be no excuse when Grace is given, it will show how much greater Grace is than Sin. We have Righteousness because of Grace and that extends in to Eternity because of the Life of Christ is in us.


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(CJB)* The Complete Jewish Bible" used with permission.